Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Thowin’ Baby Shade


I don’t know what I did in this lifetime or a past life, but somewhere along the way I got lucky because Connor Claire is a pretty happy baby.

Well, most of the time… I’d say like 83.5% of the time… Maybe 87. She’s easygoing, quick to smile and a joy to be around. It’s easy to snap pictures of her smiling or looking thoughtful because those are her usual states of being.


But sometimes in pics she looks like she’s throwing SO MUCH SHADE. It totally cracks me up!

It’s like when you’re just about to leave the office, and you’ve turned off your computer and swung your bag over your shoulder, and you feel like this inside…

connor cat jammies

But then your boss shows up out of nowhere and says, “If you could do this one last thing for me, that would be great…”

connor cat jammies 2

So much baby shade, HAHA! Yeah, I’m pretty sure I made this face on the daily when I was a legal assistant.

Oh, and this is the face she gave me when I made her promise to never star on a reality TV dating show.


The reason for this request was because I’ve recently started watching The Bachelorette.

Yeah, apparently I’m one of the last people on earth who had never seen it before. It’s streaming on Hulu right now, and I put it on one day while I was feeding Connor.

Holy freakin’ crap! It cracks me up, but in an unintentionally funny sort of way. I know it’s been on for years and tons of people love it, and I can TOTALLY see why it’s addictive, but are these dudes for real?! Because they really seem like they’re trying to “make a connection with Jojo.”

Do people actually get married and stay married after meeting each other on this show?? I guess it’s not technically impossible that you could find someone to marry on a reality show… I guess…

Dearest Connor Claire,

Please note that as of June 2016, the official transcript states you promised your mother that you would refrain from ever starring in a reality TV dating show.

Thank you. 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


The post, “Thowin’ Baby Shade,” first appeared on Makeup and Beauty Blog | Makeup Reviews, Swatches and How-To Makeup.

from Makeup and Beauty Blog | Makeup Reviews, Swatches and How-To Makeup http://www.makeupandbeautyblog.com/daily-photo/connor/
Alt Source: Startifacts Nose Hair Trimmer


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