Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Smell This ASAP: New McQueen Eau De Parfum

mcqueen eau de parfum

The whole idea of fragrance commercials on TV is totally weird.

Isn’t it?

Companies desperately trying to get us interested in a scent through a medium where we can’t actually smell the perfume. There we are just eating our morning oatmeal while a supermodel rolls around on a beach for 30 seconds whispering about “Seduction happens on the sand…”

I guess it’s supposed to be metaphorical, you know, to capture the essence of what it feels like to wear the scent, and maybe then we’ll stop by the fragrance counter on our next trip to a department store, but I dunno…

It’s kind of like what’s happening with this blog post right now. πŸ™‚

I suppose that I could just list the fragrance notes in this $115 bottle of McQueen Eau de Parfum, the pricey new fragrance by fancy fashion house Alexander McQueen (night-blooming flowers, sambac jasmine, tuberose and ylang ylang).

That would probably be more useful than these pictures…

mcqueen eau de parfum

mcqueen eau de parfum

mcqueen eau de parfum

And I could talk about how I think it’s feminine but not frilly, how it lasts a long time when I spritz it (a full eight hours), and how I can really detect the floral notes, but they aren’t too heavy or headache-inducing.

I could also tell you that it’s the scent I think I’ll wear every day till spring — I like it that much.

But none of that would really tell you what it smells like to you or how it might make you feel when you wear it.

mcqueen eau de parfum

mcqueen eau de parfum

All I can do is say how it makes me feel…like a woman ripped from my everyday existence and thrust into a gothic romance novel filled with creatures that only come alive at night. Of course, in this story I also embark upon a tumultuous relationship that burns hot and bright, and my heart is temporarily replaced by a glowing neon hummingbird, and even though I know that there’s ABSOLUTELY NO WAY our love can last more than a month, I still fall head over heels.

mcqueen eau de parfum

And if I were to suddenly sprout wings in this story and be able to fly, the twinkling sparkles that trailed behind me would smell like McQueen Eau de Parfum…

mcqueen eau de parfum

So, yeah. That’s what this bottle smells like to me.

Give it a sniff on your next trip to Saks, which is the only place it’s available for now.

mcqueen eau de parfum

It comes in two sizes — a smaller 1.7-oz. bottle for $115 and a larger 2.5-oz. bottle for $165.

Work, work, workworkworkwork…

Even after just a few days out of town, it’s nice to be back to my regular routine. Why is it that we can’t wait to take trips to break us out of our everyday routines, but then when we actually take the trips, we can’t wait to get back to our routines?

Or is that just me?

One of life’s great mysteries…

Oh, and here’s another one: this video of a random dude dancing in a gym to Rihanna’s song, Work.

Homeboy can freakin’ move! He’s the snake charmer of booty popping, and my new personal hero.

There is SO much weirdness about this video; I love it. The people on the treadmill in the background, the disco lights that fall JUST ON HIM, the fact that all of this booty shaking is happening in a gym and nobody really says anything — truly, this is what the Internet was made for. πŸ™‚

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


The post, “Smell This ASAP: New McQueen Eau De Parfum,” first appeared on Makeup and Beauty Blog | Makeup Reviews, Swatches and How-To Makeup.

from Makeup and Beauty Blog | Makeup Reviews, Swatches and How-To Makeup http://www.makeupandbeautyblog.com/product-reviews/mcqueen-eau-de-parfum/
Alt Source: Startifacts Nose Hair Trimmer


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