Patience is not now, nor has it ever been, one of Tabs’ virtues. Now that he’s a senior tabby, when he wants to go outside he practically kitty hugs my legs and “tug boats” me all the way to the door.
It usually starts with him staring at me like this for a while…
Then he’ll stand in front of the sliding glass door to the deck or the front door (sometimes carrying his cat harness in his mouth!) and meow.
And meow.
And meow.
Until I eventually take him outside.
I don’t know if it’s just my imagination, but lately it seems like he’s been more reflective and thoughtful…
I wonder what he’d write about if he really worked on his memoirs. I bet he’d write a lot about our old apartment in Mill Valley. That’s when he was an outdoor tabby and spent adventurous nights outside.
I remember so many things from that time, like the night of the big storm… It was pouring rain and the wind was gusting. The news said it was hurricane-caliber.
This was when we knew Tabs from the neighborhood, but he wasn’t officially our cat yet. He would come over sometimes and hang out, and I’d give him chin scritches and tuna, but then he’d meow to go back outside.
On the night of that bad storm, the power went out, and El Hub and I were in our apartment worrying.
The storm just kept getting worse. We tried to go to bed, but the windows were shaking from the wind, and it was too scary and noisy. At one point, El Hub said, “I’m gonna go look for Tabs!” And he jumped up and went outside in the storm.
“Tabs!” I heard him calling over and over. “Tabs! Tabs!” as he walked around the apartment building with a flashlight in the rain.
And then he heard a scared meow.
Tabs had crawled into a tree stump on the side of the building, but he was still soaked, cold and meowing. El Hub said that Tabs’ eyes lit up when he saw him, and he hopped out of the trunk and ran with him all the way to our front door.
That’s just one of many stories from that time. I bet Tabs would spend a lot of pages talking about those days in his memoirs…
Your friendly neighborhood beauty addicts,
Karen and Tabs
The post, “Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 416,” first appeared on Makeup and Beauty Blog | Makeup Reviews, Swatches and How-To Makeup.
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